Because we stand together to make a forest
One tree at a time
Realizing that if we can share our practices
Embrace the ways in which others find the divine in their lives
Then surely we can be a healthier humanity together
Your membership donation
Marks your willingness to support this work in the world
Whether you can attend regularly, once in a while, or not
Whether you have a faith tradition or not
Whether you understand how the divine is present in your life or not
Because each one of us is unique
In the way we walk this life
And the way we understand our place in this world
How we are a part of community
Where we find belonging
Your membership donation
Marks your interest in making connections
Within. Beside. Beyond.
Memberships are tax-deductible donations
Alignment: Interfaith Contemplative Practices is a 501(c)(3) non-profit recognized by the IRS. EIN: 92-1324778
Members have access to special pricing for in-person events as listed.
All online programming is free and open for all to attend.
Click on Membership form below for full details.
$120 in one calendar year,
can be donated $10/monthAccess to special member prices for in-person retreats.
$300 donated in one calendar year
can be donated $25/monthAccess to special member prices for in-person retreats.
$500 donated in one calendar year.
Access to special member prices for all retreats, in-person sessions, and pilgrimages.
$1000+ donated in one calendar year.
Access to special member prices for all retreats, in-person sessions, and pilgrimages.
Please send us a message via the Contact link to discuss ways in which you would like to support the work of Alignment.