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Alignment: Breath Prayer

One of the most ancient contemplative practices is the practice of breath prayer. The Desert Monks of the early centuries of Christianity used breath prayer to answer Paul’s call to pray without ceasing, centering their prayers on every breath they took. But before Christianity, Hindu practice connected the reciting of mantras to the breath. The reciting of the shema in Judaism and the gathas in Buddhism also connect prayer and meditation to the breath. The word spirit itself comes from the word for breath. Breathing is the one thing we do without ceasing. In becoming aware of our breathing, we can also become aware of the spirit as close to us as our breath.

In this session of Alignment, Rev. Margaret Somerville will guide us in a time of individual breath prayer.
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January 23

Alignment: Songs that Hold Space for Paradox

February 2

Interfaith Contemplative Practices Class